Tuesday, March 17, 2009

PiCs fOr sEnToSa oUtInG

These are the photos we took during the sentosa trip yesterday... It was real fun and of course, tiring... Hope that more ppl will come for our next outing... Enjoy the photos!!!

The sun is setting... Woah, real nice...

Khay Cheng is wet, all thanks to zijian...

Haha, do you call this 'chickens in the soup'?

Haha, meiling and suen started this.. They said by burying your legs in the sand will make them smother... Believe it or not, everyone tried (execpt ken)... This is the exceptionally big and high one made by hiang wee.. Maybe his legs are very smooth now?

Haha, wanted to make a sand castle... But made a cake instead... Hooray 4e2 09!!!

Playin monkey in the water...

Woh! The battle against the sexes!!! Haha, playin volley bolley...

The one half squating and half standing is HIANG WEE!!! Haha, wonder what is he doin... Shittin?
Haha, havin our healthy meal under the coconut trees... Feels great!!!
Our campsite!!!
Darren approaching some ppl to sell his extra ticket... Maybe darren didnt look serious and gives the impression of him being a trickster... So the ppl rejected him....

Apparently we looked like uncles and aunties buying baskets of groceries... It's not cheap kay, I think it's around $70+++...
By the way, we bought a volley ball, so we can play durin other outings and if want, lend it to other classes and then collect money from them.. It's khay cheng's idea...
Funi? We are trying to fit our butts in the picnic mat... fancy us sitting on the floor in Giant... I wanted to take a photo, but some turned their heads away, like hiang wee, khay cheng and meiling... Ken and zijian worse still, one buried his face, the other escaped... Among the 8, onli 3 smiled at the camera... Are cameras reali that scary?

Actuali we didnt want lettuce, which is behind the piles of corns... But guin says must have 2 servings of vege per day... I will die...Groceries time!!! Guin and suen buyin ham!!!

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